" The atonement of Christ is so great in its effects and so far-reaching in its consequences that it easily qualifies as the most important occurrence in time or in all eternity. Nothing ever has or ever will surpass it in significance. Nothing is greater in the entire universe or in the history of created things than Christ's atonement. The atonement of Christ is infinite in time, space, and quantity - infinite in scope and eternal duration. All death is answered; every creature under the Savior's dominion is resurrected. All sin is compensated for; every combination of sins is covered. The Atonement goes beyond personal sin to include disappointment, sorrow, and suffering caused by the sins of others. It even extends to the sickness and infirmities we must bear just because we are mortal. It was made by a being who was God before he came to earth, who was the Son of God on earth and who will be God eternally and endlessly."
-- from Gethsemane by Andrew C. Skinner (pages 11 & 12)
You have me curious about your feelings that the atonement of Christ covers bad feelings we get from the wrong actions of others. This is an idea I haven't heard presented before. What brings you to this conclusion?
And do you have any thoughts on how the atonement of Christ actually affects our sicknesses? I know he mentioned there being a connection. Can you enlarge that thought?
Doug, those comments are taken directly from Dr. Andrew C. Skinner, currently Executive Director of The Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship at BYU, and found in his book entitled "Gethsemane". That book is the first of a three book series, with the other two entitled "Golgotha" and "The Garden Tomb". These are excellent books that I recommend for all who seek to learn more about the Atonement.
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