"After the Resurrection, the disciples became renewed. They traveled
throughout the world proclaiming the glorious news of the gospel.
"Had they chosen, they could have disappeared and returned to
their former lives and occupations. In time, their association with Him
would have been forgotten.
"They could have denied the divinity of Christ. Yet they did not. In the face of danger, ridicule, and threat of death, they entered palaces, temples, and synagogues boldly proclaiming
Jesus the Christ, the resurrected Son of the living God.
"Many of them offered as a final testimony their own precious lives. They died as
martyrs, the testimony of the risen Christ on their lips as they perished.
"The Resurrection transformed the lives of those who witnessed it.
Should it not transform ours? We will all rise from the grave. . . .
"Because of the life and eternal sacrifice of the Savior of the
world, we will be reunited with those we have cherished.
"On that day we will know the love of our Heavenly Father. On that day we will
rejoice that the Messiah overcame all that we could live forever."
(Joseph B. Wirthlin, "Sunday Will Come," Ensign, Nov. 2006, 30)
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