"Brothers and sisters, we rejoice in the fifteen decades of progress
of the Church. We want to keep faith with that small but noble band of
souls who assembled in the Peter Whitmer home 150 years ago for the purpose
of formally organizing the Church. We can keep faith, in part, by helping
the Church to grow in numbers and also in spirituality. . . . We must
achieve in even more major ways in the years ahead.
"We can also tell that we are making progress by the attention we get from the
adversary. Do not falter nor be distressed when others misrepresent us,
sometimes deliberately and sometimes in ignorance. This has been the lot of
the Lord's people from the beginning, and it will be no different in
our time.
"Brothers and sisters, pray for the critics of the
Church; love your enemies. Keep the faith and stay on the straight and
narrow path. Use wisdom and judgment in what you say and do, so that we do
not give cause to others to hold the Church or its people in disrepute. Do
not be surprised or dismayed if trials and challenges come upon us. This
work, which Satan seeks in vain to tear down, is that which God has placed
on earth to lift mankind up!"
Topic: Faith
(Spencer W. Kimball, "No Unhallowed Hand Can Stop the Work," Ensign, May 1980, 5-6)
I know this to be true. IMHO
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